GPS-free positioning
for drones


Visual-Inertial Positioning

Computes the location of a device by fusing data from cameras, IMU and other optional sensors.

Our SDK implements a high-performance proprietary VISLAM solution (patent pending), and an efficient AI-based aerial Visual Positioning System (VPS).


Spectacular AI SDK

  • Runs in real time on embedded CPUs
  • State-of-the-art accuracy
  • Resilient supply chain: supports a wide range of sensors and processors
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Use cases

GPS-free navigation

GPS-free navigation
for UAVs and ground vehicles

The state-of-the-art Visual-Inertial Positioning System in the Spectacular AI SDK allows GPS-free navigation based on fusion of data from the camera, IMU and barometric sensors. The method can run under very tight computational constraints in embedded processors.

Inside-out tracking

Inside-out tracking
for AR/VR/XR headsets and controllers

6-DoF pose tracking of virtual, augmented and external reality (VR/AR/XR) headsets creates the illusion of virtual reality without external lighthouses. With properly configured sensors, our solution allows centimeter-level accuracy at millisecond-level latency, and can run on embedded processors inside a headset.


for rapid prototyping and research

Our public SDK wrappers are ideal for rapid prototyping with off-the-shelf OAK-D, RealSense, Kinect, and Orbbec devices. They can be applied in a wide range of robotics, virtual reality, and computer vision research scenarios.


Spectacular AI is a university spin-off company from Helsinki, founded in 2021.

Our team is a unique mixture of seasoned software professionals plus established computer vision and machine learning researchers. We solve challenging problems related to Computer Vision, Spatial AI, Sensor Fusion and SLAM.

Otto Seiskari (CEO)
Pekka Rantalankila
Jerry Ylilammi
Valtteri Kaatrasalo
Prof. Arno Solin
Prof. Juho Kannala


Spectacular AI SDK implements a high-performance proprietary VISLAM solution (patent pending) that represents the next step of evolution after the best-in-class HybVIO method. The team have also co-authored, among others, the following recent relevant scientific articles:

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